Dear Climb house,
It’s been a month and a week since I arrived in Malaysia, and I’m happy to inform you that I’m settling in better than expected. Although, if I hadn’t gained life experiences from the house, this adjustment would have been much more difficult.
To begin with, small things like grocery shopping are extremely important when it comes to household decision making and planning. This is due to the fact that when you go grocery shopping, you must first inspect the items to determine how fresh they are, how long they will last you, and how much of that product you would like to purchase.
Furthermore, a university education is not the same as a high school education. It is up to you to complete the assigned work and go beyond the topic in order to gain a better understanding of the subject. So the opportunity to have my own schedule in Climb House has really shaped me into a disciplined individual. I make it a point to complete all of the tasks I assign to myself on a weekly basis. I use an app called listables to keep track of everything that needs to be done, and there’s no better feeling than crossing off completed tasks. This inspires and propels you forward.
The researchers, in particular, should not take the weekly movie review with the kids sessions for granted. Biomedical Sciences is more concerned with writing lab reports, scientific journals, and essays, all of which require extensive research. You would need to conduct research on the assigned topic and write it down in your own words to avoid plagiarism, as you could be sued for this. So, guys, make good use of the researcher role and train yourself to write in your own words to avoid suffering as I did in my early university days. Furthermore, the majority of courses in higher education will require you to have a strong imagination. So extracurricular activities like swimming, dancing, singing, playing guitar, hiking, and so on will help you develop your imagination and, as a result, you will have a better understanding of the theoretical classes.
Overall, take advantage of the opportunities available at the house because they are extremely valuable in life and best wishes to everyone on your Kili hike.
[Editors Note: The kids will be participating in a work/study/family fun climb of Mt Kilimanjaro thanks to Climb for a Child. The kids of the porters and guides rarely get to see the parents work or enjoy the mountain with their families. We’re fixing that.]
Glory is was in lock down for two years. She used her extra time to expand her studies with economics classes on EdX. She is now doing her final year at Newcastle University in the UK as an honors Bio-Med student.
~ed Dean Tweet