Dear Ed and Peter,
Today I sat for my last exam paper and it’s just impossible to believe that I am done with my degree. None of this would have been possible without your unwavering support and belief in my potential. 2012, feels just like yesterday but it’s actually 11 years ago! For 11 years you have supported my educational journey tirelessly without giving up and I’m forever grateful. You’re support on my education has not only supported my goals careers wise, but it has enabled me to see the world and all it has to offer, the extracurricular activities that I have done throughout my educational journey have enabled me to obtain interpersonal skills that have helped me express myself.
You have not only supported me financially but you have always been there to cheer me on and believe in my potents even when I didn’t believe in myself. You saw the video of a little girl who could barely speak English and saw potential in them and since then you have gone way and beyond to unleash that potential in me and you’re commitment and your continuous encouragement have been invaluable to me.
You’re mentorship and guidance have inspired me to be a better person and also want to improve the lives of those around me and strangers just like how you’ve have done to me.
Climb for a Child has instilled me with a sense of gratitude and has really taught me the importance of giving back. You have taught me that are could give back in so many ways and not just financially and that’s why throught out my education I have always dedicated my time in volunteering and community services.
I am truly blessed to have had you as my sponsors and I’ll forever be indebted to your generosity. I am going to honour the investment in me by making sure that I am making a positive impact into the world. You’ve really transformed my life in the ways I only know how and once again I am truly thankful the impact you have had in my life.