I am Rose

Discovered living a life of poverty in 2012. Rose had started public school by following her older sister, Upendo. Even though she was too young, the teachers let her stay.
This is her story
I am Rose

My name is Rose Alpha. I’m 17 years old. For the past eight years I’ve been sponsored by Climb for a Child. My educational life was never easy before I met Climb for a Child. My father works as a porter to sustain our small basic needs. It was hard for him to provide everything that we needed because the small amount of money that he got was not enough to meet everyone’s needs. In 2012 I was able to go to a good private school. Through Climb for a Child

I was able to meet with my two beautiful, kind people, Careen and Billy. They have made my life easier and my future brighter. My thanks to them.

Technology is Helping Me Learn

Rose working
online learning at the Climb House

Being and living in the Climb House is a different experience for me. Climb House has helped me with the use of technology. I am able to use some online resources and work on my own to do some online classes. Climb House has helped me gain more confidence through our best session (movie reviews). Climb House has also helped me read novels and write different stories.

I Love to Travel

Fun with hats
The kids got to visit an butery fly and wildlife park in Zanzibar.

My favorite thing about Climb House is that we get to travel all around the world. This year we have done only domestic tourism but I hope as the days go on we shall get to do more. The other thing I love about Climb House is everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want.

Lots of love
Rose Alpha
About the Author