During the summer, I got introduced to the Catskills 3500 Club and hiking in that area. The club was founded to foster interest in educating the general public in outdoor skills whilst encouraging responsible recreation and use of the region’s natural resources. To be a club member, a total of 33 Catskills high peaks above 3500ft in elevation have to be climbed. This planted the seed for my next project to support the two causes I am passionate about-the environment and the education of the two girls I sponsor through Climb for a Child
Krthika's Sponsored Students
Project 3500 for Neema and Careen
Happy to share that I successfully climbed all 33 peaks in 4 months. I have literally spent most of my weekends pursuing this goal after long work weeks. An approximate total of 145 miles with 49,000ft in elevation gain, it has been a humbling experience-sometimes solo and sometimes with like minded folks sharing the trails.
I request all of you who have supported my causes over the years for your continued support to help meet this goal as well. The pictures of Neema and Careen are a testament to the difference you have made and how far they have come, learning and thriving in an empowering environment.